CRDB Microfinance Services Ltd: Projects Accomplished

Projects Accomplished

Specifically, we have gained remarkable experience working on the following projects:

  • With financial support from the Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT), we are running a project on capacity building support to more than 200 MFIs and Savings Credit Cooperative Societies (SACCOS) to effectively serve their clienteles;
  • Supporting Usalama wa Raia (URA) SACCOS: Strategic and operational support – national-wide interface plan, product design and development, institutional setup and branching strategies, MIS support;
  • Providing technical support to the Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Programme (AMSDP) in designing, developing and implementing the warehouse receipts systems and financing in Mbeya and Manyara;
  • Supporting the Rural Financial Services Programme (RFSP), by providing strategic and operational support to SACCOS affiliated to RFSP - aiming at improving their rural outreach and services to these places;
  • Supporting the Government for design and development of the economic empowerment schemes, i.e. National Economic Empowerment Programme and Mwananchi Empowerment Scheme


Last Updated: Tuesday, 13 July, 2010